Cause I have not a good DMR coverage in my home town I build a MMVDM hotspot.
It is a one board MMVDM modem plus a 10mW RF chip ADF7021 from analoge devices. There a some boards available on the market but I choose the JumboSpot.
I have connect it with a raspberry zero w but you can use it with every raspbery device.
The software is from the Pi-star project that has a nice web interface for configuration of the hotspot. I have connected also a OLED Display that show the actual callsign and talkgroup.
You can find more infos here:
This is a very easy to build antenna with horizontal polarisation with an omindirectional diagramm. The materials a very cheap and are available in every hardware store.
I used a construction proposal from DK7ZB that was published in CQDL magazine 08/2016.
The antenna as an impedance of about 12.5Ohm but with a simple transformator with two parallel RG58 cabels 50Ohm impedance
can be achieved. Find some length data and pictures for 10m below.
This antenna can also be build for other bands especialy for higher HF and VHF/UHF bands.
I have build up a SDR QRP transceiver called McHF.
It offers all HF bands also including 60m with about 10Watt ouput.
This concept is very interesting for me cause it work also without PC connection and can be used as portable QRP transceiver.
I have build up PCP v.0.5 that has major improvements compaired to former versions.
I have installed the bootlaoder from DF8OE that can load new firmware updates via a USB stick that is connected to the radio.